  • 期刊


Mainland China's Economic Reform Strategy: A Comparative Approach





This article reviews the study of mainland China’s economic reform strategy, with an emphasis on works comparing different reform strategies adopted by post-socialist countries in Asia and in Europe. Economic reform strategy directs the transformation of economic institutions which are the core factor determining economic performance. The argument is that institutions are more important than the “ non-institutional factors” such as culture, international environment, and stage of economic development. Then we move into the background of the economic reform strategy debate, pointing out that the Latin American experience and Eastern Europe/Soviet experience led to the radical reform approach dominant in Europe, while the gradualist approach that mainland China took was based on domestic experience. We then discuss reform philosophy, speed of reform, transition economics, and property rights as four main theories in the institutional approach. Those theories all profess to explain the huge performance gap between China and Eastern Europe/former Soviet Union. Chinese empiricism, gradualist approach, interest-oriented transition economics, and market socialism —tur!led — state capitalism property rights restructuring are pointed out as the primary cause of mainland China’s superior performance. Among the four theories, the property rights approach comes up with the most powerful explanation. The other three institutional theories, however, also highlight the differences between the Asian and European modes of exit from state socialism.


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