  • 期刊


Revitalization of the Tribute System and the Rise of the "Under-Heaven System"? Cases Studies and Reflections on China's Diplomacy




The fact of ”China Rise” has been widely recognized as one of the most important impact on the current international order since the end of the Cold War. Various debates are developing surrounding subjects such as how and to what extent will China challenges the post-war order established by the West. This puzzle is not only haunting experts in the West, but also bothering IR researchers in China. The way the Chinese scholars addressed this issue in the past was the so-called ”IR theories with Chinese Characters” in the late 1980s. But this claim was jettisoned by mature, well-trained Chinese academics in the 1990s. The circle then experienced a period of learning western theories and doing empirical studies for a decade.The emergence of building a ”Chinese School” has gained new momentum since 2005. This trend accompanied Bush Administration's failure in both military as well as global economic areas. This time the Chinese drew support not from Marxist-Leninist teaching, but Confucianism and the experiences of ancient East Asian tribute system. This study focuses on this new drive of the ”Chinese School”, evaluates its theoretical adequacy, and tests it against Beijing's policy toward a few Southeast Asian countries where the Chinese influences are most vibrant. The result will help explain if the emerging ”Chinese School” for IR theories is valid intellectually and empirically.


「2006 年9 月21 日外交部發言人秦剛在例行記者會上答記者問」,中華人民共和國外交部網站,http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/gjhdq/gj/yz/1206_30/fyrygth/t272983.htm。


Chang, C. (2018). 理念與國際關係:儒家與佛家思想對唐代中國對外政策的影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201800703
