  • 期刊


Transitional Strategy, Institutional Changes and Central-local Relations: An Analysis of the Fiscal Transfer System in China




This paper attempts to shed light on institutional foundation of China's fiscal transfer system which has an anti-equalization effect on imbalanced subnational fiscal revenue and expenditure. We argue that formation and operation of China's current fiscal transfer system are interactive results of market transformation, central reform strategies (such as decentralization and government retreat) , institutional changes ( such as fiscal contract system and tax-sharing system) , and interactions between central and subnational governments. Therefore, while fiscal transfer either in fiscal contract system ( 1979~1993) or tax-sharing system ( 1994 to date) has failed in carrying out equalization targets, operation mechanisms behind the two differ. Under the fiscal contract system, anti-equalized fiscal transfer is an outcome of reduction of central government's revenue and government retreat ( reduce spending) due to decentralized reform. In contrast, anti-equalized fiscal transfer under the tax-sharing system results from institutional design ( tax rebates and specific transfer payments) formed by the dynamics of central-local relations.


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