  • 期刊

Extranodal Burkitt's Lymphoma with Uterine Involvement: A Case Report



淋巴結外Burkitt's淋巴癌發生在子宮是很少見的,我們報告了一位71歲的婦人,他的雙下肢腫大而且尿量減少約一個月,而在骨盆腔的斷層攝影中,發現此病人的子宮腫大,腫大的因素是含有均質浸潤的腫瘤所造成,在細胞學抹片(Pap smear)檢查發現細胞含有非典型的淋巴球,追蹤子宮頸病理切片報告的結果,發現是非賀金杰氏淋巴癌,而且也轉移到右腹股溝的淋巴結。在病理細胞型態及免疫染色分類兩者的診斷,我們判定了這是一例罕見的女性生殖器官Burkitt's淋巴癌。Burkitt's淋巴癌是一個高惡性侵犯及生長快速的B細胞腫瘤,僅管臨床給予病人多種藥及高劑量的化學治療,病人還是在6個月後就死亡。


Extranodal Burkitt's lymphoma with uterine involvement is uncommon. We present the case of a 71-year-old woman with bilateral edema of the legs and a decreased amount of urine for one month. A CT scan revealed enlargement of the uterus with a rather homogenous infiltrative mass lesion, and a Pap smear exhibited atypical lymphocytes. Endocervical curettage revealed NHL of the uterine cervix. The right inguinal lymph nodes are also involved. Both the morphologic features and the immunophenotype indicate Burkitt's lymphoma, a highly malignant, aggressive and rapidly growing B-cell neoplasm. The patient was treated with a combination of multiple drug therapy and high-dose chemotherapy, but died 6 months after her initial presentation at our hospital.
