  • 期刊

以尿液自動分析儀URISYS 2400之反射比值定量尿液試紙化學檢查

Quantitative Measurement of Urinalysis Strips Using URISYS 2400 Reflectance Data


傳統簡單、快速的尿液試紙檢查其報告均是以價數或半定量結果呈現,本實驗運用尿液試紙機台-反射波測定儀(reflectometer),藉由標準化光源系統偵測試紙反應後其反射比值可定量尿液試紙的原理,使用適當的標準物品進行尿液試紙化學檢查的定量,期能提高尿液試紙檢驗對尿液重要指標,例如尿液蛋白的準確性及敏感度。研究方法是利用尿液自動分析儀URISYS 2400(德國羅氏診斷公司)測定不同濃度的尿液標準品,將其反射比值與各項目相對應的分析參考方法,包括流式細胞計數儀UF-100(日本東亞醫用電子公司)、生化法(Beckman LX20)以及酸鹼測定儀定量所得的結果作比較。結果顯示:URISYS 2400之各項檢驗的定量結果不僅再現性高,其與各參考方法之結果也呈現良好的線性關係。尿液蛋白的敏感度也由原先半定量法的25 mg/dL提升至定量法的10mg/dL。尿液試紙定量法將有助於提供病患更精準以及敏感度更高的尿液篩檢檢驗數據。


Urinalysis with urine strips is a simple and rapid test widely used to qualitatively or semi-qualitatively detect the urine chemical components, which are indicators of kidney or other diseases. Most urine strips are reported with semi-quantitative data by visual or automated readers. By use of reflectance reader, quantitative measurement of urine strips becomes possible. The aim of this study is to quantify the results of colorimetric reagent strips with appropriate standard materials in urine using reflectometer. The quantitative measurement might improve the precision and sensitivity, especially in detecting urine microalbumin. The quantitative reflectance data estimated by URISYS 2400 (Roche) with their relative measurements from other quantitative methods were compared. Results of within-and between-run tests showed good reproducibility. We also obtained high correlations between the URISYS 2400 reflectance data and the quantitative results. The sensitivity of microalbumin detected by the quantitative reflectance data was improved to 10 mg/dL much lower than the lowest ordinal scale reporting (25 mg/dL. In conclusion, quantitative measurement of urine strip tests offers a more accurate, sensitive, and reliable screening result in urinalysis.


urine strip URISYS 2400 reflectance


