  • 期刊


Establishment of a Mycobactericidal Activity Assay Based on UNE-EN-14348 Test


結核病(TB; Tuberculosis)之病原體爲結核桿菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis),因其細胞壁富含脂質結構,所以對外界環境與消毒劑具有較強之抵抗力。本研究主題爲根據分枝桿菌消毒劑效力評估標準規範UNE-EN-14348建立針對分枝桿菌殺菌劑效力評估之標準流程,並以臨床上所使用的三種消毒劑(Asepticare TB+II、10%稀釋的漂白水及5% Virkon)進行流程測試。所選用的測試菌株爲結核桿菌H37Rv標準菌株,測試條件爲室溫並區分爲骯髒(dirty)及清潔(clean)兩種狀態測試。結果發現Asepticare TB+II與10%稀釋的漂白水在本實驗各測試時間點(處理1分鐘、5分鐘及10分鐘)皆可達到殺菌效果,但5% Virkon則不具有殺菌能力。結核病防治工作者及實驗室同仁必須了解消毒劑之效力與正確使用方法才能避免感染或傳播。


結核桿菌 清潔劑


Objective: The pathogens of Tuberculosis (TB) are known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Because its cell wall is lipid-rich, the resistance to external environment and disinfectants is quite well. In this study, the mycobacteridal activity of three kinds of disinfectants was assessed by the European Standard UNE-EN-14348 suspension test under both clean and dirty conditions. The disinfectants tested were Asepticare TB+II (Creative Microbiologicals, Ltd, Taiwan), 10% Sodium Hypochlorite (EverGreen chemical industry, Taiwan) and 5% Virkon (Antec Internationa, England). M. tuberculosis H37Rv was used as test organisms at room temperature, under dirty or clean conditions. Results showed that Asepticare TB+II and 10% Sodium Hypochlorite were mycobactericidal in the testing contact time. But 5% Virkon did not demonstrate tuber-culocidal activity as defined by EN14348. The laboratory could evaluate tuberculocidal efficacy of the disinfectants, according to the international standard protocol, UNE-EN-14348.
