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Parent-child Interaction of Children with ADHD: Research and Clinical Implications





Raising a child with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an incredible challenge for parents because of the child´s noncompliant, overactive, and demanding behavior. A review of current research reveals, not only the problematic behaviors of children with ADHD, but also, that their coping strategies for challenges are influenced by the parent-child interaction or vice versa. Children with ADHD request more feedback about their performance and ask for more help on task performance. They are also more distracted, less compliant, and show less constructive patterns of coping than children without ADHD. Parents of children with ADHD often present with poor parenting practices and decreased psychological functioning, which is even more exacerbated in parents of children with ADHD and other externalized behavioral disorders. The child´s age, parenting strategies and parental perceptions of the child with ADHD might mediate or moderate the quality of parent-child interaction. A coercion theory explains the reciprocity of parentchild interaction in the establishment and maintenance of childhood behavioral problems as well as poor parental mental health and parental practice. The focus of assessment and intervention for children with ADHD should include the behavioral and emotional issues of the child, parental behavior and adjustment, as well as the quality of parent-child interaction.


