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The Brain Electrophysiological Findings of Spatial and Object Visual Working Memory: A Literature Review


視知覺歷程可分為兩條分離路徑:背流路徑(dorsal stream)與腹流路徑(ventral stream),分別處理空間(spatial)與物件(object)視覺訊息;而視覺工作記憶亦包含空間與物件視覺訊息的處理。陸續有腦造影或電生理研究顯示,不論在視覺工作記憶的編碼、儲存或提取階段,空間與物件視覺訊息的活化路徑是可被分離的,也就是這兩種訊息有其專擅的腦區在運作。 本文回顧相關文獻發現,空間和物件工作記憶在編碼階段會與視知覺歷程的背流、腹流路徑一致,由枕葉區分別移轉至頂葉與外側額顳葉區;到了保留階段,空間工作記憶偏重於頂葉區的運作,而物件工作記憶偏向額顳葉區的活化;至提取階段,物件任務與空間任務分別仰賴額葉和頂葉來提取訊息。


According to the study of Goodale and Milner (1992), there are distinct visual pathways to process visual-spatial and visual-object information. In recent years, brain imaging or electrophysiological research regarding visual working memory (VWM) also demonstrated that the encoding, storage, and retrieval systems of spatial and object information processing are quite different. Working memory is roughly divided into three cognitive phases, which are stimulus encoding, maintenance, and retrieval. Encoding visual spatial and object information would respectively activate the occipito-parietal lobe (dorsal stream) and the occipito-temporal cortex (ventral stream). During the maintenance phase, spatial information was found to be processed mainly in patrietal areas, while the object information processing was in connection with fronto-temporal activation. Last, successful retrieval of spatial and object information relies on the contribution of the parietal lobe and the frontal lobe respectively.
