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A Review of Psychometric Properties of Working Memory Tests Frequently Used in Patients with Stroke


工作記憶(Working Memory, WM)缺損是中風病人常見之認知問題,且影響患者之復健成效。使用具良好心理計量特性及臨床適用性之WM測驗有助於臨床人員掌握中風病人之WM。故本研究回顧近五年常用於中風病人實證研究之WM測驗,並評析其用於中風病人之心理計量特性(含信度、效度及反應性)及臨床適用性(含評估所需之器材、評估時間、評估內容是否有文化/語言隔閡及測驗是否具中文版等)。研究者合併檢索中、英文之電子期刊資料庫中2009年1月至2014年6月間常用(被使用3次以上)於中風病人實證研究之WM測驗。結果顯示常用於中風病人實證研究之WM 測驗共計六種:記憶廣度測驗(Digit Span Test)、空間記憶廣度測驗(Spatial Span Test)、數-字序列測驗 (Letter-NumberSequencing Test)、時限聽覺序列加法測驗(Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test)、空間工作記憶測驗(Spatial Working Memory Test)及路徑描繪測驗B 部分(TrailMaking Task-Part B)。六項WM測驗應用於中風病人之心理計量特性驗證多缺乏,僅數-字序列測驗曾驗證具小的區辨效度。臨床適用性方面,記憶廣度測驗及空間記憶廣度測驗等兩項測驗較具潛力適用於國內以評估中風病人之WM(施測快速、無文化隔閡且有中文版測驗)。本回顧結果顯示常用於中風病人實證研究之六項WM測驗欠缺充份之心理計量特性驗證。


Working memory (WM) deficit is a common problem in patients with stroke, which has negative influences on the effectiveness of rehabilitation. Selecting and using WM tests with good psychometric properties and feasibilities is important to identify the WM problems. The objects of this study were to review and appraise both the psychometric properties (i.e., reliability, validity, and responsiveness) and feasibilities (i.e., materials of tests, assessment time, culture/language barriers of tests, and Chinese version) of WM tests that were frequently used (used at least 3 times) in empirical studies of stroke published from January 2009 to June 2014. The results of searching in the English and Chinese databases showed that six frequently used WM tests were the Digit Span Test, Spatial Span Test, Letter-Number Sequencing Test, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, Spatial Working Memory Test, and Trail Making Test-Part B. However, the pyschometric properties of the six WM tests were rarly examined except one study shown that the Letter-Number Sequencing Test had poor discriminative validity. Regarding to the feasibilities of the six tests, the Digit Span Test and Spatial Span Test had better feasibilities (i.e., short assessment time, no culture/language barriers, and acceptable Chinese version) to assess in domestic patients with stroke. This study found that the six frequently used WM tests had limited examinations of the psychometric properties in patients with stroke.
