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The Adversity and Vision of Occupational Therapy in Taiwan- The Focus Groups of Occupational Therapy Leaders


2002年6月,世界職能治療師聯盟(World Federation of Occupational Therapists, WFOT)在瑞典召開第二十五屆的聯盟議會(Council Meeting),確立全球職能治療專業共同面臨的問題,其中多數亦為我所面臨。我國職能治療專業發展至今,面臨資訊、生物科技、社會政經環境的快速變化,專業界需要深入思考,以了解現況困境,並展望未來遠景。本文提出以「我國職能治療專業發展的困境與願景」為研究主題,以質性研究設計運用焦點團體會談法,邀集國內職能治療專業資深人員以及教育、學術、行政與臨床之領袖,進行討論,以了解(一)意見領袖們對於職能治療發展的問題認知,及(二)意見領袖們對於職能治療發展的心中願景以及專業發展策略。本研究邀請職能治療領袖19人,進行四場焦點團體會談。透過團體激盪形成對專業發展及議題優先權重的想法,並分析整理對專業發展策略之建議。四場焦點團體討論之結果,歸納出我國職能治療專業面臨的五大問題、二十年的願景藍圖以及達到願景的八大策略。在現況問題發現我國面臨的問題與世界職能治療專業界所認定的發展問題類似,顯示專業本質面對共同的挑戰,應有積極改革之處。本研究結果,期盼透過專業議題研究與發表,提供專業與政策規劃者作為參考。


專業困境 願景 職能治療


The 25^(th) Council Meeting of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) in Sweden, 2002, identified pressing issues that threatened the occupational therapy profession world-wide. Many of these issues also endangered the development of occupational therapy in Taiwan. In facing the rapid changes in information, biotechnology and social-political-economics, there is a need for occupational therapists in Taiwan to think and review the challenges and to plan for the future. This study, “The adversity and vision of the development of occupational therapy in Taiwan”, used the qualitative research design and conducted four focus group interviews with 19 occupational therapist leaders in education, academics, administration, and clinics to explore (1) their perceptions of pressing issues, and (2) the visions and strategies of the profession. The results showed five issues, the vision for the next 20 years, and eight strategies. Some of the pressing issues are similar to those identified in the WFOT Council Meeting in 2002. The results suggest common challenges faced by occupational therapists in Taiwan and world-wide. The findings of this qualitative study may serve as a reference for the policy makers of the profession and the government.
