  • 期刊


The Effect of Positions of Hip and Knee Joints on the Strength of Knee Muscles


髖關節及膝關節角度改變均影響膝部肌肉的長度,進而影響這些肌肉的張力,因比,此二關節所在的角度大大地影響了訓練及測試膝部肌力的結果。本實驗的目的即在於我出此二關節最適合肌肉作用的位置。共有31位正常人參與本實驗,本實驗乃刊用Cybex Ⅱ肌力測驗儀來測試膝屈肌及伸肌之最大等張收縮肌肉張力,在實驗中,髖關節共有五種姿勢,每種姿勢下膝關節角度變換5次;因此,每一位受試者均在25種姿勢下測試其膝部肌肉力量。實驗結果顯示,膝關節越彎時,膝伸肌肌力越強,膝屈肌則相反,膝關節越彎時肌力越弱。髖關節對膝部肌力的影響,也呈現類似的情況。坐正時對膝伸肌最為不利,但對膝屈肌最有利。坐時身體往後仰(即髖關節彎曲較少)則剛好相反,對伸肌有利而不利於屈肌。由本實驗可知,髖關節及膝關節的位置對膝部肌力影響很大。對膝伸肌而言,仰臥或坐時身體往後仰加上膝關節彎曲90度為最有利的姿勢;相反地,對膝屈肌而言,則以坐正加上膝關節伸直最適合用力。


膝部肌力 關節角度


The positions of hip and knee joints influence the length of knee muscles and the tension of these muscles changes consequently. The positions in which strengthening and testing performed are therefore important to gain the best performance of knee muscles. The purposes of this study were to find the influence of position changes to the maximal isometric strength of knee muscles. Thirty-one normal subjects involved in this study. They were tested with Cybex II dynamometer for the maximal isometric strength of knee extensor and flexor muscles. The muscle strength was tested at 5 hip positions combined with 5 knee positions. Therefore, there were 25 testing positions used. The results showed that the more knee flexed, the more extensor torque developed (p<0.01). However, the flexor muscles showed quite opposite results. The more knee flexed, the less the flexor torque generated (p<0.01). Considering the hip positions, sitting upright was most disadvantageous for knee extensor muscle (p<0.01). For knee flexor muscle, the more hip flexed, the more flexor torque would be generated. It was concluded that length of knee muscle changed with hip and knee positions would influence the torque generated from knee muscles. Therefore, supine or sitting with leaning backward combine with 90° flexion of knee was suggested to gain the maximal torque of knee extensor. Oppositely, sitting upright with knee straight was suggested for maximal flexor torque.


