  • 期刊

Internal Herniation Caused By a Mesodiverticular Band in a Patient with Meckel's Diverticulum: Report of a Case



麥克爾氏憩室是臍腸系膜管的遺跡。麥克爾氏憩室通常位於迴腸距結腸迥腸瓣2英尺之內的腸系膜對側。它在一般人口中的發生率約2%,大多終其一生無症狀,只有少數人會出現出血、腸套疊、腸阻塞、憩室炎或穿孔等併發症。一般來說,麥克爾氏憩室所造成的併發症以出血、腸阻塞及憩室炎居多。通常有症狀的麥克爾氏憩室,病童約45%會在兩歲前發生症狀,在成人的麥克爾氏憩室,少見有併發症或症狀。 腸阻塞在發生症狀的麥克爾氏憩室病人中,約佔30%。病因可能包括腸套疊、腸扭轉或紐結、憩室炎及內疝氣。內疝氣非常少見且可能致命,只佔麥克爾氏憩室腸阻塞的1%,要在開刀前診斷實非容易。我們提出的這一罕見病例報告,是一29歲男性病患,是以間歇性的上腹痛、噁心及嘔吐為表現。臨床和放射學診斷皆高度懷疑機械性腸阻塞,但並沒有明顯的腹膜炎症狀。但病患的腸阻塞在入院後並無明顯改善,遂進行腹腔內視鏡探查。進而在剖腹探查中發現麥克爾氏憩室併小腸腸阻塞,在憩室切除及解除疝氣後,病人獲得良好的預後。 在此病例中,對於未知原因的機械性腸阻塞。及早的剖腹探查避免了腸壞死及進一步的腹膜炎,所以及早的外科介入是必要且及時的。另外,在麥克爾氏憩室病患併有腸繫膜憩室繫帶者,造成麥克爾氏憩室併發症的機率升高,甚至可能導致死亡;若發現麥氏憩室併有腸系膜憩室繫帶者,應進行憩室切除。


Meckel's diverticulum is one of the most common congenital gastrointestinal anomalies. It may be asymptomatic or cause bleeding, inflammation, perforation or rarely obstruction. We present an adult patient with an internal herniation caused by a mesodiverticuluar band. Abdominal CT showed obstruction at the level of the terminal ileum. Urgent surgery showed a Meckel's diverticulum connecting to the mesentery by a fibrous band and causing internal herniation of the small bowel. The diverticulum was resected and the hernia was reduced. The post-operative course was uneventful. Meckel's diverticulum with a mesodiverticuluar band to the mesoileum is associated with a higher morbidity and mortality than the diverticulum alone. Internal herniation of the small bowel from any cause is a serious condition seldom diagnosed preoperatively, but it should be kept in mind as a diagnostic possibility even in young adult patients.
