  • 期刊

Colonoscopic Diagnosis of Ancylosto Ma Ceylanicum Infection: Report of a Case





Ancylostoma ceylanicum is a rare zoonotic parasite normally found in dogs and cats. The hookworm infection causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, or anemia. Herein, we report the case of a 44-year-old male who suffered from persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloody stool due to A. ceylanicum infection, possibly transmitted from stray dogs. Hemogram revealed eosinophilia, but no parasite ova were found in the stool. Colonoscopy revealed mobile, blood-filled worms from the transverse to the ascending colon and terminal ileum accompanied by multiple mucosal erosions. The worms were caught by biopsy forceps and were identified as A. ceylanicum by morphologic characteristics. The patient was treated with mebendazole for three days. His symptoms subsided after treatment and no more parasites or ova were detected in the stool one month later. Hence, A. ceylanicum infection should be kept in mind in humans in Taiwan that have close contact with dogs or cats who show symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, or even bloody stool. Diagnosis by colonoscopy is considered if fecal examination is inconclusive.


