  • 期刊


Examining the Specific Implicit Theory of Personality-Behavior Association: The Comparisons of Different Personalities, Gender, and Status


延續許功餘(2003)已探討「性格與行為關連性的內隱理論」在工作與社交情境中對華人人際互動之影響,本研究將進一步針對在工作情境中,面對不同性別與地位的互動對象時,6種性格與行為關連性的特殊內隱理論(「精明幹練」、「愚鈍懦弱」、「外向活躍」、「內向沉靜」、「誠信仁慈」及「狡詐殘酷」)之內涵,及這些內隱理論對個人人際行為之影響加以探討。 本研究以434位(女性236位)社會人士填答2種工作情境的人際互動問卷。在人際互動問卷中,研究者以4種互動雙方的性別與地位之組合以及6種互動對象的性格來設計24種故事情境。每位受測者僅填答2種故事情境,並針對故事裡互動對象的行為與自己的互動行為來進行評量。結果顯示,6種不同的「性格與行為關連性的特殊內隱理論」之內涵,大致上顯示出如理論所預期的差異,具有「精明幹練」、「外向活躍」及「誠信仁慈」等性格的互動對象在各自的主要行為向度上,均與具有「愚鈍懦弱」、「內向沉靜」及「狡詐殘酷」等性格的互動對象有顯著差異,同時,不同性格的互動對象在次要行為上的差異亦符合理論的預期。不過,互動對象的性別與地位對個人所持有的「性格與行為關連性的特殊內隱理論」之影響僅僅出現在「精明幹練」之上。另外,6種內隱理論對個人的互動行為之影響與理論預測一致。最後,針對本研究結果與假設間的關係、研究方法的限制、以及未來研究方向做進一步討論。


人際互動 內隱理論 地位 性別 華人性格


This study explored the content of six kinds of specific implicit theory of personality-behavior association (competent, impotent, extraverted, introverted, other-oriented, and self-centered) based on different gender and status and the impact of these implicit theories on participants' interpersonal behaviors in the working situation. Hsu (2003) presented a new theoretical construct that coined as the implicit theory of personality-behavior association and examined the relationship between this implicit theory and interpersonal interaction. The implicit theory of personality-behavior association refers to the associative schema about target with one kind of personality will perform some kinds of interpersonal behavior. Hsu (2003) considered these implicit theories could be influenced by those interacting situations and the interacting targets' characteristics (like gender and status) and these implicit theories could influence on interpersonal interaction behaviors. We would test this possibility. The study has collected 434 adult participants (236 female) to fill out two kinds of structural questionnaires that were designed two different cooperative scenarios of working tasks. These scenarios were designed according to four combinations of gender and status of interacting dyads and sex personalities of interacting targets. Results showed that, all six kinds of specific implicit theories of personality-behavior associations were supported by participants' responses. The impact of the gender and status of interacting targets on specific implicit theories of personality-behavior only was found in the competent target. And the impact of all of specific implicit theories of personality-behavior on participants' interacting behaviors supported the theoretical predictions. These results were discussed in terms of dyadic interaction in working situations.


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