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Scientists and Practitioners: Thematic Reviews and Reflective Perspectives in the Development of Clinical Psychology in Taiwan




Looking back at the development of psychology in Taiwan, we can review the progress in various fields from three dimensions. The one is to explore the issues in universality and specific dimension, such as through the holistic concept dominant in the discipline or the topic of specific issues. The other is the temporal dimension, such as the review and outlook through the axis of the historical articulation and futuristic guidance. The third is the spatial dimension, such as the dialectical debate between the globalization and localization involved in the progress of various fields of psychology. Back to the progress of clinical psychology in Taiwan, we pay more attention to the link the science and application to solve the separation crisis between theory and practice. In this paper, literature review method is applied to inquire into the discussion of clinical psychology in Taiwan. It is not based on diachronic review, but on the combination of specific and universal themes, as well as the characteristics of local research outcome through the sampling approach and sign approach of the dual strategies to explore. First, it is discussed from the representative sample specific study topic covering three levels of psychopathology, psychological assessment and psychotherapy, including autism, sleep psychology, breast cancer psychological growth, and cardiac psychology research. Second, it is to discuss the characteristics of neuropsychological and rehabilitation psychology and the development of humanistic clinical psychology with the sign approach. Through the sampling and sign approach review, it shows that the research and development of clinical psychology in Taiwan is the reflective outcomes of the training process of both scientists and practitioners. Finally, under the retrospective results and exposition of the depth, localization and ethical act, we put forward the reflection on clinical practice through research and development, and towards the agenda that has yet to be deepened in further situation.


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