  • 期刊


Image-based Approach to Face Recognition: Effects of Line-drawn Faces, Pigmentation and Shading, and Spatial Frequency




The vast number of studies in face recognition have gradually evolved into three major approaches, namely, the image-based, structure-based, and function-based approach. Studies under the category of image-based approach are concerned with image-level face information, such as edge, spatial frequency, pigmentation, shading and shadow. Researchers manipulate these factors and examine the roles they may play in face recognition. In contrast, those ascribed to the structure-based approach are concerned with the effect of featural, configural, and holistic information on face recognition. Researchers adopting this approach consider faces as decomposable objects and explain face processing in terms of structural descriptions. Finally, studies under the third approach investigate face recognition from a functional perspective, where the main issues concern how humans extract biological as well as social information from faces that are pertinent to social interactions, such as identity, gender, age, race, and emotional expression, among others. In this review, we first discuss the differences between these three approaches, and then focus our review in details on the findings accrued within the image-based approach. Our goal is to provide an integrated overview of the image-based approach and emphasize the importance of image-based processing in understanding face recognition. Specifically, our review highlights how basic processing of image information such as border, spatial frequency, pigmentation, may lay the critical foundation for the later processing of the structural and functional aspects of a face.


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