  • 期刊


Literature review of transformational leadership and paternalistic leadership in sport: Current status and future directions




Transformational leadership (TL) and paternalistic leadership (PL) have been common in sport contexts for decades. Sports teams have several characteristics that make them suitable for the study of TL and PL. These two types of leadership derive from Max Weber's two types of domination authority: charismatic domination and traditional domination, respectively. TL and PL styles may be close to coaching leadership practices. This review critically examines empirical and qualitative studies of TL and PL in sport settings. We consider definitions of leadership styles, coaching from the perspective of leadership theory, the origin and development of the leadership theory in sport, and the main findings on this topic. Common topics in studies of TL in sport are its consequences, qualitative case TL, measurement of authentic TL, and youth sport TL. Common topics in studies of PL are its consequences, types of leadership, the leadership process, and combination paternalistic study. We compare the studies of TL and PL in sport leadership and highlight avenues for advancing research on TL and PL in sports. We make the following suggestions for future studies. To improve research and practice, randomized experiments, interventions, and action research are required. At the conceptual level, it is necessary to refine the definitions of TL and PL in sports contexts. To improve practice, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of the development of athletes from childhood to maturity are needed.


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高三福、潘緯澄、李伯倫、葛記豪、Robert J. Schinke、陳忠強(2021)。反思運動教練體罰為介入策略的教學實踐研究:檢視華人領導與動機氣候的改變體育學報54(3),225-242。https://doi.org/10.6222/pej.202109_54(3).0003
