  • 期刊

The Tropology of Homosexuality and Postcolonial/National Allegory





同志 刻板形象 索因卡 毛翔青 奈波爾


Starting with a critical interrogation of what constitutes ”lesbian and gay literature” and finding its territorializing criterion methodologically inconsistent, this essay first proposes a metacritical examination of what the emergent field really means to whomever constructs it. For a most recent textual phenomenon, in which homosexuality is represented openly but apparently for ”other” purposes, has forced this problem onto lesbian and gay critics, who are now stretched between the specialized practice of ”closet reading” and the unprecedented denial of the relevance of those homosexual representations. A particular group of this textual phenomenon, namely that of postcolonial or national allegory, is chosen for close examination because it is believed that an analytical understanding of the dominant representational mechanism should also be considered an important task for lesbian and gay criticism. In order to illustrate this point, the essay discusses in particular the figurative presence of homosexuality un Wole Soyinka's 'The Interpreters', Timothy Mo's 'The Redundancy of Courage', and (briefly) Naipaul's 'In a Free State' and ”Guerrillas”, and endeavors an explanation for this postcolonial/national allegorization of homosexuality through a political theorization of the allegorical economy and its mobilization as well as proliferation of stereotypes.


Allen, Dennis W.(1995).Homosexuality and Narrative.Modern Fiction Studies.41,609-634.
Ang, Ien(2001)."Race" Panic and the Memory of Migration.
Ashcroft, Bill(2001).On Post-Colonial Futures: Transformations of Colonial Culture.
Ashcroft, Bill(2001).Post-Colonial Transformation.
Beaver, Harold(1981).Homosexual Signs (In Memory of Roland Barthes).Critical Inquiry.8,99-119.
