  • 期刊


Robust Optimization Gate Assignments under Stochastic Flight Delays


機場營運作業中,可能因班機隨機到離的延誤,造成原先規畫的指派結果受到大幅的擾動,進而影響原規劃結果於實際營運時之績效。故考量班機可能隨機到離延誤之特性,本研究加入穩健最佳化(Robust Optimization)的概念,發展一穩健最佳化機門指派模式,以規劃一符合隨機擾動下之機門指派結果。此模式可定式為一非線性整數規劃問題,為有效求解此模式,本研究以序列線性規劃法(Sequential Linear Programming Method)為基礎,發展二移動限制方式進行求解。最後,以國內一國際機場為例進行測試分析,結果顯示本研究之模式及演算法可有效求解隨機性班機延誤下之機門指派問題。


In airport operations, real time disturbances of the planned gate assignments may be occurred due to stochastic flight delays. Such daily disturbances will reduce the performance of the planned gate assignments when actually applied to real operations. Therefore, this research considers the characteristic of stochastic flight delays and incorporates the concept of robust optimization, to develop a robust optimization gate assignment model under stochastic flight delays. The model is formulated as a nonlinear integer program that can be characterized as NP-hard. This research also applies Sequential Linear Programming Method, with two moving limitations, for solving the proposed model. Finally, this research performs a numerical test using data from a Taiwan international airport. The results show the good performance of the model and the solution algorithm for solving the robust optimization gate assignment problem under stochastic flight delays.
