  • 期刊

Partial Axial Constraints in Frame Analysis Using Braced Analogous Truss





This paper describes a newly developed method for analyzing structural frames that considers axial constraints for all members and partial members. This method represents an evolution of an ”analogous truss” approach into an original ”braced analogous truss” approach. The character of the translated degrees of freedom in the transformed structure is extracted under an assumption of axial constraint, named the 'mode shape vector' in this paper. The developed method differs from traditional methods, which only use constraint equations in the original structure. Therefore, this method is both a practical tool in application and an interesting approach to analyzing transformed structures.The braced analogous truss is a modification of the analogous truss. Using virtual members, we were able to transform an unstable analogous truss into a stable simple truss problem. Equivalent nodal loads, the global stiffness matrix and nodal displacements could then be calculated using mode shape vectors. Numerical examples show that highly accurate solutions, under reduced degrees of freedom, are obtainable in structural analysis.
