  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Studies on the Storage Condition of Curcuma alismatifolia Rhizomes




薑荷花 根莖 乾藏 濕藏 萌芽出土率


Curcuma alismatifolia is a new tropical cut flower crop which is becoming a favorite on the summer market in Taiwan. Curcuma rhizomes of 1.5-2.0cm in diameter and bearing 2-3 storage roots were used in this study to explore the storage condition and duration. The results showed that after storage in wet peat moss (contained 85% of water) for 2 months at 10℃ the emergence of shoots was 83.3%, while after 4 months storage the emergence decreased to 61.7%. The emergence of shoots was 83.3% and 65% when stored in wet peat moss at 15℃ for 2 and 4 months, respectively. Compared with storage in wet peat moss, rhizomes stored in dry peat moss (contained 58% of water) had higher emergence rate. After storage in dry peat moss for both 2 and 4 months at 10℃, the emergence maintained 83.3%. However, after storage at 15℃ for 2 and 4 months in dry peat moss the emergence of shoots were 91.7% and 90%, respectively. Therefor, we recommend that Curcuma rhizomes be stored in dry peat moss at 15℃.
