  • 期刊


To Activate the Memory of Racine: On Four Representations of Racine's Tragedies by Antoine Vitez Synopsis




Antoine Vitez is one of the few contemporary French directors who consistently stages Racine's tragedies. In total, Vitez had directed four Racine's masterpieces: Andromaque (1971), Phèdre (1975), Bérénice (1980) and Britannicus (1981). Presented at the beginning of the 70s, Andromaque was an experimental work in which six actors started with reading the play, then took systematic turns to play the eight roles. As a result, the plot looked disjointed, yet its basic structure appeared clear-cut. This spectacle was Vitez' deconstructive period of work. Four years later, Phèdre reconstructed the diction of Alexandrine verse, half singing, half reciting, the absolute poetic form being emphasized. Implying the background of Versailles, the performance of Phèdre functioned on the interrelationship between court, theatre, and ritual. Bérénice, produced at the beginning of 80s, returned to the interpretation of the plot while stressing neoclassical conventions of acting in order to make the form of representation more rigorous. Vitez began to appreciate the ”natural” beauty of Racine's verses, whereas the previous productions focused on their ”artificial” aspects. Finally, in Britannicus, Vitez used for the first time historical costumes to locate the time and place of the tragedy, while the background of Roman Empire was symbolically set up. The violent political and amorous conflicts of the tragedy have been so powerfully interpreted that there was hardly any dead moment on the stage. In short, on directing Racine's plays, Vitez started with a deconstructionist's point of view, then foregrounded the absolute rhythm of Alexandrine lines, even searched for a more formalist performance, and finally returned to the plot. These four scenic creations propose four possible approaches to perform neoclassical dramas today.


Aragon, L.(1974).Théâtre/Roman(L'Imaginaire).Paris:Gallimard.
Aragon, L.(1976).Les Poètes(Poésie).Paris:Gallimard.
Attoun, L.(1975).Majestueux et dérisoire.(Les Nouvelles Littéraires, le 16 mai).
Barrault, J.-L.(1946).La Mise en scène de Phèdre(Point).Paris:Seuil.
Barthes. R.(1963).Sur Racine.Paris:Seuil.
