  • 期刊


Sexuality in the Western Music-Some Reflection on Feminine Endings: Music, Gender, and Sexuality


情慾一向是文藝領域裡最重要的表現主題之一,音樂自然不會自外於此。本文嘗試舉出西方古典音樂史中書寫情慾的作品例子,檢視其表現之模式與樣態,並從音樂分析中探索其本身情慾多元表現之可能性。其中奧福的《布蘭詩歌》與華格納的《崔斯坦與伊索德》由文字敘事意義與音樂敘事方法的緊密關係裡,探討音樂呈現情慾的結果;而沒有文字憑藉的純器樂曲如德布西《牧神的午後前奏曲》,則以Lucy Green所謂固有性意義及描述性意義之探索,論證音樂所意指之情慾所在;而舞曲之身體性呈現感官世界的意象,亦是情慾強有力的論述,本文對亨德密特的鋼琴獨奏曲Suite 1922中之 〈波士頓舞曲〉有較多的著墨。近年來從女性主義音樂學者如Susan McClary等人之探索下,已開啓情慾相關議題極大討論與開發的空間,她在《陰性終止》一書中呈現的觀點,是本文探討音樂情慾書寫之出發點;除了引用其某些觀點至前述之曲目外,最後並對《陰性終止》提出之案例作綜合性之批判與省思。


Sexuality is usually the most important issue dealt in the fields of literature and arts. Music is no exception. This article tries to present the musical works which fall into the category of the western art music and to demonstrate the variable construction of sexuality in them through the examination of the music as well as some analytic devices. Among the instances, Orff's Carmina Burana and Wagner's Tristan und Isolde will be discussed on the relationship between the signification of the words and the narrative of the music. And the discussion of Debussy's Prélude à l' après-midi d'un faune will focus on the musical inherent meanings and delineated meanings based on Lucy Green's theory. Spanish dance music usually conveys strong physicality, but here the author will pay more attention on Hindemith's 'Boston' (from Suite 1922). In recent years, the musical issues related to sexuality have been explored by some feminist-musicologists like Susan McClary. This article starts in accordance with McClary's viewpoints rooted in the book Feminine Endings: Music, Gender, and Sexuality, but criticizes in the end upon the instances she applied in the book.


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Patricia Ticineto Clough著、夏傳位譯(1997)。女性主義思想:欲望、權力及學術論述。台北:巨流圖書公司。
Susan McClary著、張馨濤譯(2003)。陰性終止-音樂學的女性主義批評。台北:商周。
Rosemarie Tong著、刁被華譯(1996)。女性主義思潮。台北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司。


