  • 期刊


Observing Taiwan's cultural diplomacy strategy through the Taiwan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale




Cultural diplomacy is a policy which has long been implemented by the Taiwanese government. During the history of national development, government structure has developed along with the policy, and the international image the government wishes to project has changed. Now Taiwan's cultural diplomacy is practised through network governance, which means the policy is implemented collaboratively by different actors: government departments, institutions, individuals and civic groups. The Taiwanese government has operated the Taiwan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale through network governance, accumulating 20 years of exhibition output. It can be regarded as a case study of Taiwan's cultural diplomacy. This article collects and organizes policy formation and content, policy structure and administration, exhibition strategies over the years, and the Pavilion's changing visual culture. In the context of cultural policy, the article argues that through the Taiwan Pavilion, as a case in cultural diplomacy, several characteristics can be observed: produce output independently from the national cultural policy; encounter competition and cooperation between different domestic goals. Finally, the article proposes an outline of suggested future policy.


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