  • 期刊


Restoring the Way to Sanity-Meaning, Communication and Life Praxis


健全生活是一種既均衡而且富於創造的身心狀態,在其中,欲望作爲吾人的意義動力可以充分實現其潛能,建構一個有意義的生命。本文認爲,語言獲取和交談互動對於復全之道具有根本的重要性。返回健全生活之道有必要承認他者,並調整吾人與他者[包含他人與自然]的關係,直到將自我與他者、與其他萬物整合在道中,因而超越一切意義建構而融合於道。 此一健全而有意義的生命的建構,包含了三個層面:第一個層面是表象性和語言性的意義建構(meaning construction),這是從吾人身體的運動以及體現在身體內的欲望之中興起,繼而實現爲各種表象與語言,其中語言獲取(language appropriation)至爲重要。第二層面是對意義的社會共建(co-construction),透過溝通,我們與他人,尤其是與重要他人(significant others),相互交談並共同建構有意義的生活。第三,在存有學的層面,一個健全的生活終須對「實在本身」開放,才能夠在有意義的生活中引進自由的向度,這也蘊含著對於先前的意義建構加以解構(de-construction),此一解構的行動對於人的存在的開放性及其終極實現也是有必要的。


Therapy is considered here as a process of restoring the way to sanity. But it is important to know what a sane life is. For the author it is a balanced yet creative state of body-mind in which our desire could conduce itself, at least hopefully, to the ultimate degree of the construction of a meaningful life or of the realization of its potentiality. The process of language appropriation and dialogical interaction are considered as essential here. For me this construction of a meaningful life, and therefore a life of sanity, consists of three levels: First, the representational and linguistic construction of meaning, as casting up from the movement of our body and the desire residing therein; second, the social co-construction of meaningfulness, in which we dialogue with significant others in order to construct together a meaningful world; third, the ontological level, which implies also an act of deconstruction necessary for the openness and the ultimate fulfillment of human existence in the Reality Itself.


