  • 期刊


On the Formation of Civil Virtue


本文主旨在討論公民德行的陶成及其與公民敎育的關係。這是一個介乎倫理學、政治哲學與公民敎育之間的議題。晚近倫理學由義務論倫理學轉往德行論倫理學發展,德行的探討遂成爲極重要的課題;在政治哲學中,公民社會的形成與公民的角色甚爲重要,在政治倫理方面則需討論公民德行,尤其晚近自由主義的政治哲學特別重視公民德行的陶成;至於公民敎育則是敎育學中十分重要的一環,其中尤其注重公民的倫理敎育,主旨也在於培養公民德行。本文一方面要討論有關公民德行陶成的理論問題,另一方面也要檢討臺灣公民敎育涉及公民德行陶成的有關問題,做爲今後改善的借鏡。 首先,本文將對「公民社會」的概念加以界定,進而討論公民德行的倫理性質及與其相關的三種倫理學理論。由於自由社會最需要、也最適合公民德行之養成,我們有必要進而討論自由社會與公民德行之關係。進而,本文也要略論幾種重要的公民德行,如寬容、正義、自由與平等的精神、熱心參與……等等。最後,本文要討論臺灣現行公民敎育在公民德行的陶成上所遭遇的問題,尤其集中在敎材與師資兩方面。


The relationship between the formation of civil virtue and civil education, is essential to contemporary ethics, political philosophy and civil education. We can see clearly in contemporary ethics that there is a changing interest from a Kantian Ethics of obligation to an Aristotelian Ethics of virtue. Both in today's political philosophy and civil education, the formation of civil societies and civil virtues is becoming more and more urgent for recently democratized countries. Envisaging these problematics, my paper will begin by defining the concept of ”civil society”, and then proceeds to discuss the ethical theories, utilitarianism, obligation ethics and virtue ethics. We will then try to make clear the relationship between a liberal society and civil virtue. Some important civil virtues, such as tolerance, social justice, freedom, equality and active participation, will then be discussed. We will conclude in a practical reflection by examining the function of today's civil education with Taiwan concerning the formation of civil virtues, with special regard to problems suc1i as teaching materials and credentializing teachers.


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