  • 期刊


Philosophy of Humanistic Education


本文首先爲深入瞭解當代人文主義敎育思想,列舉人文主義敎育學者,紐曼(John Henry Newman)、赫欽斯(Robert Maynard Hutchins)及馬里旦(Jacques Maritain)三人的敎育思想以及對理想的大學敎育的看法。他們均强調敎育的眞正目的爲「全人」的發展。馬里旦指出,唯有內在性的活力才能有完整獨立的自由;赫欽斯認爲人的心靈正確運用表現出人之超越性及特質;紐曼重視心智之間的和諧及和他人「心對心的交談」。對大學的敎育理念方面,三位學者都注重大學的課程要統整,結合成廣泛的知識領域,以期受敎育者的知識,不致於孤立與淺陋。 其次本文指出人文主義的敎育理念與天主敎敎育理念的比較。天主敎不但重視敎育事業,天主敎所辦的學校更是藉著基督敎義,培養學習者的良知,超性道德,使他們體會人生的尊嚴與價值。敎會不只關懷人的超性生命,對人的本性生命的成長亦同樣重視,故其在敎育方面不僅注重神學、宗敎,亦提倡科技、人文敎育。完整的人文主義不但不排斥絕對的存在,也是誠摯地肯定人性的軟弱及人類的極限。


This paper is an attempt to hcome to a deeper understanding of contemporary thinkers on education. Reflection is made on three thinkers in this field, namely: John Henry Newman, Robert Maynard Hutchkins and Jacques Maritain. They all consdier the aim of education is to be development of the ”whole person.” Maritain held that only an inner drive would lead to true freedom. Hutchkins maintained that the human mind, in its correct usage, manifests the transcendent quality of the human spirit. Newman emphasized the harmonious development of the mind and in human relationship by a ”heart to heart dialogue” with others. University education, according to all three scholars, should comprise an integrated programme, a synthesis from a broad field, so that the knowledge students receive is not isolated and shallow. Furthermore, this article tries to compare the Catholic ideal of education and that of humanistic one. Education is considered to be very important in Catholicism. Catholic schools form the conscience and the supernatural virtues of scholars by the teaching them Catholic doctrine that enables them to understand the value and dignity of the human person. The Church values and cares for the growth of supernatural life and that of the natural life as well. Consequently, the programme of education includes theology, and religion, as well as technology and humanities. An integral humanism does not reject the existence of the Absolute, it also affirms and recognizes the weakness and limitation of human beings.
