  • 期刊


Ethical Reflection on Population Policy-from the Perspective of Mainland China's “One Child Policy”


基於對中國大陸人口政策現況之瞭解,加之唐熱風等先生對大陸人口政策之合理化解釋,本文旨在從哲學倫理學的角度切入,重新闡明人口政策的正確倫理思考方向。筆者擬分成三點說明: ―對唐熱風〈中國的人口政策:好的選擇與對的選擇〉一文的回應。 ―墮胎是否是個道德問題? ―生育權的意義及歸屬。 最後,筆者將在結論中誠懇地呼籲中國大陸在思索人口問題時,除了強調自身的發展外,也應當加入人性人道的考慮,使一個人口政策不僅對國家人民有利,更是合情合理的。


This article tries to clarify a right, moral approach to population policy from the perspective of philosophical ethics. It is based on an understanding of the rationalization of Mainland China’s population policy as touted by Tang Re-feng, among others. The article will cover these three points: a) A response to Mr. Tang’s article “China’s Population Policy: A Good and Right Choice”. b) Is abortion a moral issue? c) The meaning of the right of raising children. In the conclusion, I appeal to the PRC government to make more humane considerations when considering national development and population policy. Humane considerations would not only be beneficial in the long run, but would also set better with the population at large.
