  • 期刊


The Moist Apologetics & Its Historic Controversies


《墨經》共四篇——〈經上〉、〈經下〉,〈經說上〉、〈經說下〉,存於現有五十三篇《墨子》中,分條立論,共百八十餘條,每條一義,彼此幾互不相涉,一如孔子之《春秋》。文辭佶倨贅牙,簡奧古雅,然內涵豐富難解。〈經說〉之解,亦弗盡明確,可謂難讀難明矣。自春秋戰國以來;士子尠鑽研之,幾成絕學。莊子曾言:「南方之墨者,若相里氏等皆誦《墨經》,而好尚不同,彼此相譙誚,均名之曰『別墨』。」「別墨」一詞,始於莊子,然亦決非如胡適所指爲墨子支派之學。其內蘊複博,若數學、經濟學、倫理學、物理學等,無不分條立論,古今罕見之奇文也。 或以其內涵與《墨子》中心思想之作若〈兼愛〉、〈非攻〉、〈節葬〉、〈非樂〉等有異,以其一反墨家哲學,故士子疑其非墨氏所撰,疑爲墨徒所作;或疑爲施、龍等所撰,以其內容間有與「名家」之言相類者。 「名家」好辯,遠溯自鄧析兩可之論而大熾於戰國中葉。以公孫龍、惠施爲最著,前者倡堅白、白馬之論;後者以其多方之才,著書五車。前者自許甚高,而後者亦狂敖不羈,自成一家,又奚肯爲墨家門徒之「別墨」乎?若論《墨經》與「名家」之關聯,則如牛馬、堅白等說,與《墨經》相若。若然就文辭而言;則戰國之文易明,大異於春秋。豈有居今之世,而言古之言乎?




The Moist Classics is composed of four books, which at present, contains 53 articles with more than 180 propositions, each exposes, as in the Spring and Autumn of Confucius, one separate idea. The Classics are rich in meaning, written in elegant style, but with profound, elaborate terms, making it unreadable. For centuries, scholars studied them and found them deep in meaning and wide in scope, a unique work hard to equal. As there was some kind of deviation in one of Mo-Tze’s Books, some scholars wonder and doubt that it was the work of the logicians. As a matter of fact, logicians as Kun Sun-lung, a prolific and gifted writer, and Hui-shih, who had a high opinion of himself, would not deign to claim affiliation to the Moist School. Even though some part of the said Moist Classics did bear resemblance to the sophistry of the logicians, the language, however, was quite different for it represented the styles of two different periods, the Warring States and the Spring and Autumn. It would be hard to imagine how anyone can speak the language of the ancients while living in a contemporary surrounding.


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