  • 期刊


A Creative Hermeneutics on Universal Love


歷來大家對墨子兼愛思想總有些許的曲解或誤解,使「兼愛」的真義一直處於撲朔迷離中。在二十世紀的今天,我們實有重新檢視此一重要概念的必要。因此,筆者應用傅偉勳敎授創獲的哲學方法論——創造的詮釋學,分實謂、意謂、蘊謂、當謂、創謂五大層次,透過層層分析去詮釋墨子的兼愛思想。 其中,探討了兼愛說產生的原因、兼愛的義涵、「兼愛是否無父?」、「兼愛是否在祛除自私心?」等重要議題,並指出兼愛不但可以充當現代工商社會人際相處的倫理原則,而且可以作爲企業經營的指導理念。在在皆從較廣的視野重新檢討兼愛思想,並試圖給予公正的評價。


The Moist notion of 'Universal Love' has often been misunderstood by commentators, which makes its real meaning some what misty. In the 20th century today, it is necessary for us to re-examine this important concept. Thus, I appeal to Professor Wei-hsun Fu's 'philosophical methodology'—creative hermeneutics, through the following five aspects: reality, meaning, connotation, appropriateness, creativity, to interpret the Moist 'Universal Love'. In this paper, I deal with certain important issues, such as the reason for proposing the notion of 'Universal Love', the meaning of it, ”whether 'Universal Love' entails fatherless?”, and ”whether 'Universal Love' dissolves selfishness?”. Meanwhilw I point out that 'Universal Love' can not only be the moral principle in dealing with human relation, but also be the directive principle for business management. I attempt to give a fair evaluation to 'Universal Love' by virtue of re-examining it in a broader range.

