  • 期刊


Evaluation and Classification in Chinese Art-A Study of Zhang Huaiguan's Treatises on Calligraphy


本文寫作主旨在於探討中國傳統書法理論有關品評的美學思想。本文針對張懷瓘所寫之三篇與書法品評有關的文章:《書估》(754)、《書議》(758)與《書斷》(724-727),進行分析與比較,以探討張懷瓘書法藝術品評判準的意涵,並從物質與精神的層次、意識形態的層次、以及美學的層次來進行比較,以解析張懷瓘書法藝術理論中所明顯使用或隱含於論述之中的品評判準。 本文首先從作品物質商業的層次分析古老性判準在中國品評美學中的意義,其次從政治與意識型態的層次,指出藝術家等級品差與政治、意識型態、市場、藝術之間的相互辯證關係,最後,在美學層次的研究上,按照分類性語詞體系和範型性語詞體系的區分,解讀張懷瓘《書斷》中品評語詞的兩種體系,並以草書為例,探討書體的美學判準。本文在結論中,說明張懷瓘的書法論著對中國品評美學的貢獻,並指出中西品評美學之間的相似與差異。


書法 品評 藝術價值 商業價值 美學判準


The topic of this paper concerns the problem of evaluation and classification in Chinese art, through the study of several treatises on calligraphy by Tang dynasty Zhang Huaiguan (active ca. 713-760) and especially his Judgements on Calligraphers (Shuduan, 724-727) and Trade Estimations on Calligraphers (Shugu, 754). Zhang Huaiguan's texts are representative of Tang aesthetic thought and art values, that is why the efficiency of evaluation and the criteria of value can be analysed in their functioning. In the paper, the questions concerning whether these criteria are purely aesthetic or not, so to say without any ideological or material consideration, are examined. The first part of the article focuses on the material (oldness) and on the ideological and political criteria, linked to the tradition of official classifications. It underlines the specificity of Chinese evaluation, centred on the artist and not on the artwork. The artistic and aesthetic values are thus examined in a second part, through the meaning of a chosen model. Then, a specific stylistic example is studied in a determined class, and it shows the pre-eminence of the criterion of newness. These classifications and evaluations aim and role deserve both merchants and literati. The several criteria and art values that Zhang Huaiguan uses in his treatises would seem to be incompatible in Western countries, but these texts show clearly they are not mutually exclusive and can be very efficient.


