  • 期刊

音樂與政治-阿根廷音樂家阿爾博多•希納斯特拉(Alberto Ginastera)

Music and Politics: The Case of Alberto Ginastera, Argentinean Composer


本文寫作的目的在於探討音樂與國家、音樂與政治、音樂與社會間之關係。本文以二十世紀阿根廷的音樂家阿爾博多.納斯特拉(Alberto Ginastera, 1916-1983)其人其事及其音樂為研究依據,反省自十九世紀以來阿根廷國家形成與阿根廷音樂發展的糾結關係,以探討音樂藝術的界域問題。本文首先簡要說明阿根廷國歌的起源,並分析阿根廷國家民族主義音樂在二十世紀的興起。其次分析希納斯特拉早期音樂創作生涯的意識形態與美學背景,並以1943年所創作的芭蕾舞曲《Estancia》(大莊園)為例,探討其獨樹一幟的創作風格中所隱含之政治與藝術的關聯。接著以「波馬索事件」為例,批判專制政權下之檢查制度對音樂藝術的審查與干預:二十世紀六○年代,希納斯特拉與小說家穆希卡.萊內斯(ManuelMujica Lainez)合作編寫的歌劇《Bomarzo》(波馬索)1967年在華盛頓首演,是其創作生涯第二期的代表作。但這齣歌劇在首都布宜諾斯艾利斯市(Buenos Aires)的首演卻未通過檢查制度的審查,當時主政阿根廷的右翼專制政權,宣稱該劇涉及「性、暴力、感覺錯亂」等議題,因而禁止演出。本文最後討論音樂的藝術界域與政治界域的問題,指出音樂作為藝術其實難以與政治、道德掛搭,音樂的藝術價值在於聲音實體直接衝擊情緒生活的體驗。作者Esteban Buch在結語中,期盼本文以阿根廷音樂家希納斯特拉的音樂作品為案例的研究與分析,透過迂迴的論述,提供一個跨越文化界域可能途徑。


This article focuses on the history of music in Argentina, and more specifically on some aspects of the work and career of composer Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983). After a brief account of the origins of the Argentinean National Anthem, which was commissioned by the government in 1813 at the time of the Independence wars, the text addresses the emergence of Argentinean musical nationalism at the turn of the twentieth century. This was the ideological and aesthetical background of Ginastera's early career, which towered in his 1943 ballet Estancia. In the sixties, the composer favoured a cosmopolitan aesthetics well suited to John F. Kennedy's pan-American policies. His collaboration with novelist Manuel Mujica Lainez for his opera Bomarzo, premiered in Washington in 1967, is a good example of that second period. But the catholic right-wing dictatorship then in power in Argentina censored the Buenos Aires' premiere of this work, arguing that it deals with ”sex, violence, and hallucination”. This authoritarian decision caused a national scandal known as ”The Bomarzo Affair”. In the conclusion, the proposal is made to take this case as an example for a general discussion of the complex relationships between music and politics in other countries.


Music Politics National Anthems Censorship Argentina Bomarzo Alberto Ginastera
