  • 期刊

海德格《時間與存有》的本真(Authentic)與非本真存在(Inauthentic Existence)

The Authentic Existence in Heidegger's Being and Time


本文討論海德格在《存有與時間》中,說明人如何才能達致本真存在。筆者首先指出,本真存在不是一個存在主義概念,也不是一個價值論概念,因為海德格反對存在主義,也不認為他的哲學是價值論。海德格是從開顯性的觀點說明本真存在,這是說,他認為只有在本真存在中,才能開顯存有的意義,完成他在《存有與時間》的存有學工作。 然後我再說明妨礙人達致本真存在的因素,指出它們是由於開顯性結構的錯誤運用,形成「閒聊」(idle talk)、「好奇」(curiosity)和「歧義性」(ambiguity)三個現象。海德格認為,這三個現象構成人的沈淪(falling),由此誤解存有的意義。 接著我要說明,人能達致本真存在的條件,它們是「良知」、「死亡」和「決斷」。根據海德格,人要聆聽良知的呼喚,才能抗拒沈淪的誘惑,轉向到自己的存有去。他發現他的存有是在死亡中,而死亡彷彿打開了他的存有整體,讓他能無蔽地到達他的存有。在他的整體中,人明白他必需決斷地堅持自己的開顯性,才能本真理解他的存有,這樣,當人在決斷中堅持自己的開顯性時,他達致他的本真存在。


本真存在 非本真存在 行動


This essay tries to illustrate the characteristics of actions implied in the authentic and inauthentic existence in Heidegger's Being and Time. I first point out that the Heideggerian concept of action is defined in terms of its accomplishment. Accordingly authentic existence and inauthentic existence are accomplished by different kinds of action. In the first part of this essay I indicate that in Heidegger the Being of human beings is defined as understanding of Being. This will lead to the concepts of authentic and inauthentic existence. Secondly, I show the characteristics of actions in inauthentic existence by an analysis of the ”everydayness” in Being and Time. The third part of this essay analyzes the actions of authentic existence: conscience, death, and resoluteness. Finally I conclude that action is both theoretical and practical in Heidegger's philosophy.


M. Heidegger,D. Krell (tr.)(1977).Martin Heidegger: Basic Writings.New York:Harper & Row.
M. Heidgger,J. Macquarrie (tr.),E. Robinson(1962).Being and Time.New York:Harper & Row.


楊日申(2013)。微型行銷概念下的地方休憩詩學創作 ─ 以排灣族泰武萬安村為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6827/NFU.2013.00046
