  • 期刊


How Nature Arouses Imagination: The Emergence of Landscape in Chinese Tradition




想像力 意境 山水 園林 中國藝術理論


Can ”imagination” be translated in Chinese, and especially can it be conceived in traditional Chinese artistic, pictorial and calligraphic theory? ”Nature” seems to be so present in Chinese tradition that it's no need to explain it. Though, this paper will examine the way Chinese literati tradition has conceived and described a kind of mental or spiritual landscape. The paper shows that, if we accept the principle that imagination is not given in itself, but has to be aroused, then we can notice it has been theorized in calligraphic, pictorial and gardening tradition. We can consider that the concept of imagination can correspond in these treatises to yi, that means ”intention, idea” when the word is applied to the creative process. It presides this process (”intention precedes execution”) and can be found after end of realisation, in work's or watcher's yijing. On another hand, if we consider imagination is coming from sensible and produces sensible, that there is an imaginative relation to sensible, that imagination is an interface between reason and sensible, then this problem has been well theorised in Chinese. The question of the relationship between sensitivity/emotion (qing, 情) and principle of the world (li, 理) had been asked since the beginnings of ”mountains and waters” poetry, under Tang dynasty. Later, it also has been examined in painting, especially in shanshui painting, and in gardens creations. The paper will examine how, for instance, in Chinese gardens, perception is enriched because of ”borrowings”, especially ”scenes borrowings”, and the rambler, through imagination, and through the relationship to ”nature”, must be able to attain a specific state of being. The paper will examine how the role of painting as well as garden's, is to bring the rambler or the watcher to get to an ”imaginary world” that must resource him through a wander.


Gaston Bachelard (巴舍拉爾). L'Air et les songes. Essai sur l'imagination du mouvement (《氣與蒙。論運動之想像》). Paris: José Corti, 1943.
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AlexandreHollan,Hollan(1997).Je suis ce que je vois. Notes sur la peinture et le dessin, 1979-1996.Cognac:Le temps qu'il fait.
Cornille, Sabine(Trad.),Ivernel, Philippe(Trad.)(1988).La Tragédie de la culture.Paris:Rivages.
