  • 期刊


Dose Heidegger Stand for a Theological Philosophy or a Philosophical Theology? In Comparison with Husserl's and Arendt's Position




海德格 胡塞爾 鄂蘭 現象學 神學 驚訝 離逸 隱喻 圖像


This article at first explains some possible meanings of philosophical theology, represented by Edmund Husserl's and Hannah Arendt's philosophy: Husserl lays the foundation of the significance of Christianity in the Greek philosophy, and bases this consideration in the attunement of surprise as the begin of philosophy; Arendt secularizes Christianity in philosophy, and realizes this idea in her understanding of the metaphor language as philosophical language. The article then proposes a possibility of the image language in the Western philosophy, and from this point of view understands a non philosophical theology. Lastly, the article, based on the attunement of evasion and image language in Heidegger's philosophy, interprets his philosophy as a kind of theological philosophy.


Heidegger Husserl Arendt Phenomenology Theology Surprise Evasion Metaphor Image


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Bernauer, S. J.(ed.),James, W.(ed.)(1987).Amor Mundi: Explorations in the Faith and Thought of Hannah Arendt.Boston:Martinus Nij hoff Publishers.
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