  • 期刊


The Predicament of Consent Theory and Discourse in Locke's Political Obligation




洛克 權利 同意 政治義務 時代語境


It is widely agreed that consent theory plays a central role in Locke's political obligation, as well as in liberal political philosophy. Locke declares that natural rights, which stem from natural law, are the basis of political life, so that only consent of people can bring about political obligations to government or state. There are two kinds of consent: express consent and tacit consent. In order to solve the problem of express consent, Locke concentrates on the matter of tacit consent which leads to many controversy and criticism. To cope with these problems, Locke adds natural law, utilitarianism, citizenship to his doctrine of political obligation. However, instead of radically tackle the difficulty of consent theory, these supplements of political obligation weaken the foundation of consent theory. The paradox of Locke's doctrine is due to the context of the times: Liberalism presupposes commitment self, which is transcendent. Once liberal self encounters complex political problems, it could not support full political obligation.


Locke Right Consent Political Obligation Context of Times
