  • 期刊


The Possibility of the Goodness as Xun Zi was about the Evil of Human Nature




荀子 性惡 善偽 性偽之分


Though quite different in their philosophies, Xun Zi and Meng Zi were similar in their intentions to follow the example of Confucius. Meng elucidated the Confucius's theory of ”similar natures” and constructed the philosophy of man around the ”goodness of human nature,” while Xun focused on the doctrine of ”different habits” and built the philosophy of man and moral epistemology around the ”mind knowing Tao (the way).” Based on the text of Xun Zi, this article is attempted to inquire the meanings of ”human nature is evil, and any goodness in human beings is acquired through conscious exertion.” The description and fact of the ”evil of human nature” does not compromise one's pursuit of and emphasis on ”goodness”-”good values.” Highlighting the goodness of ”correctness, natural principles, peace and order,” Xun's idea of goodness is manifested in moral practice, particularly in social ethics, while the pursuit of ”goodness” lied in the subjective ”blindness-dispelling mind” and the objective ”propriety” or ”Tao.” And ”goodness” is achieved through the process of ”the mind knowing Tao, the mind approving it, the mind abiding by it, and the mind refraining from what is contrary to it.”


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