  • 期刊


Mass Media and the Imagination of Multicultural "Talk"


本論文旨在以外國人出演的電視訪談節目(Talk show)為例,批判性地反思韓國多元文化主義,並鑒此來對多元文化性公論場的可能性進行探究。為解決低出生率及勞動力不足的問題,韓國政府在政策上對多元文化主義進行了促進。結婚移民女性作為從屬主體被整合於社會(移民的性別化),而移民勞動者則以低廉的薪水被利用後,又被排斥為了非法滯留者(移民的非法化)。於是,結婚移民女性和移民勞動者就被當作了國家「利益」的工具。當然,這其間也不乏具有「非常優秀」的能力之移民勞動者,他們作為優秀外國人才是可以享受各種優患待遇的(移民的等級化)。例如,人氣脫口秀節目「美女們的吩切和「非首腦會談」所組成的公論場就受到了國家多元文化主義的影響,但從另一角度來看,它也同時影射出了社會成員們的「願望」。異質性文化在後中心親密感溝通的領域下共存,誰也不會成為從屬的主體,誰也不會因可視性暴力空間而遭受折磨。韓國的多元文化主義雖是作為解決政治問題(人口問題)和經濟問題的手段而被採納的,但多元文化主義理想最終卻不能僅以文化實踐(多元文化性「認可」)來得以實現。只有消除了權利失衡和經濟不平等後的文化性「認可」,才可使多元文化主義理想得以成為現實。


This thesis is aimed to critically reflect multiculturalism in Korea through talk shows with foreigners and explore them as a possible venue to discuss multiculturalism. Multiculturalism in Korea was promoted as part of an effort by the Korean government to resolve low birth rates and a lack of labor force. As a result, migrant women and laborers were considered as a means to pursue national "interests." In Korean society, although migrant women through marriage were integrated into society as an inferior subject (gender equality of migrants), migrant workers were excluded only after having been used as low-income labor and stigmatized as illegal aliens (illegitimate migrants). In addition, "significantly high-performing" migrant workers enjoyed a variety of benefits, being treated as an superior foreign workforce (hierarchy of migrants). Even though the discussion venue, created by "Misuda" and "Non-summit," is influenced by multiculturalism of the nation, it also exudes "hopes" of members of society. It is about a space where members of heterogeneous ethnicities communicate with one another for decentralized intimacy, that is, an arena where nobody is reduced to an inferior subject and suffers from invisible violence. As multiculturalism in Korea was adopted as a solution to (population-related) political issues and economic problems, a multicultural ideal cannot be materialized solely through cultural practices (multicultural "recognition"). The space of multicultural dialogues (mutual communication) can only be realized when power imbalances and economic inequalities are corrected.


KBS「美女們的嘮叨」製作組(2008)。Global Talk Show 美女們的嘮叨。坡州:成人堂。
