  • 期刊


On Being and Interpretation from Contemporary Hermeneutic Perspectives


本文的焦點在於以西方詮釋學的歷程與回顧為軸,介紹當代詮釋學視野與主要觀點,並針對此探討如何將詮釋學導引放入西方哲學對於存有與表詮概念的思考。本文並將海德格與呂格爾的詮釋思想為主要的創作點,主要內容則由海德格之邏各斯作為道出與論述的特質,聯接到呂格爾的迂迴概念,以迂迴之道(the logos of detour),接續出本論文的主要創發,以指出一種以「論述某對象-使某對象被看見」(discoursing object- letting "hject" be seen )將某物顯現,也就是道的慨念,這個功能,運用到迂迴,某路徑的解構之上。以求展現為迂迴之道,並以這種所謂解構某路徑方式地去論述某物,為詮釋學提供模型,以供讀者探討詮釋學所具有的整合概念的動力。


詮釋學 呂格爾 理解 表詮 迂迴 邏各斯


The focus of the paper is to present the process of Western Hermeneutics, and the review of this history. The main idea is to discuss how to apply Hermeneutics into the thinking about Being and interpretation. The paper goes through Heidegger's concept of logos as discourse; and Ricoeur's idea on detour. To connect two philosophers ideas, the paper thinks that logos is discourse, it is letting some object be seen. The detour means to "de-" one tour, We plan to demonstrate that the logos of detour means that by using the logos ( discoursing object, also as letting some object be see n) of detour (one deconstruction on one tour). The paper plans to propose certain model on Hermeneutics for the power of integrating hermeneutic concepts.


Hermeneutics Ricoeur Understanding Interpretation Detour Logos


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