  • 期刊


On Janus-Faced Conception of Truth - A Research Critique of Habermas's Kantian Pragmatism




This article mainly deals with the Janus-Faced conception of truth proposed by Jürgen Habermas. First of all, I will clarify that Habermas's theory of truth is neither a semantic theory and a redundancy theory, nor correspondence theory of truth, but a consensus theory of truth, more precisely, a discursive theory of truth. For Habermas, a true or rational consensus is defined as agreement in an ideal speech situation. But, the theoretical postulate of ideal speech situation has suffered a lot of criticisms. Thus, Habermas's theory of truth has experienced a pragmatic turn. I will then explain how Habermas opposed the American neo-pragmatic theory of truth from the standpoint of Kantian pragmatism. Furthermore, I will analyze Habermas's Janus-face concept of truth. Finally, I will sort out how he responded to the doubts and challenges of neo-pragmatism and language analysis philosophers.


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