  • 期刊


The Heterogenous Actor-Network of Social Media Research: Reimaging the Production of Knowledge in the Digital Age




This research examines the interdisciplinary practices and collaborations of the social media literature from the perspective of the new materialism. Big data and related digital tools are changing the format of knowledge production among the humanities and social sciences. Moreover, the development of digital sociology and digital humanities shows the clear trend of collaboration between social scientists (or humanists), data scientists, and digital tools. A reflection of this kind of interdisciplinary research focuses mainly on the problem of methods and methodology, but some works also probe epistemological questions. This research instead explores the practices and collaborative processes of knowledge production that involve the interaction among social scientists (or humanists), data scientists, and digital tools. Based on the new materialism, the process is seen as a network assembled by heterogeneous elements including both humans and nonhumans. We thus discuss how an interdisciplinary research team is enacted, how researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds collaborate with each other, and how digital tools as non-human actors act and interact with researchers? The discussion is based on two cases of social media research teams in Taiwan. In the end, we argue that, before judging the digital tool, no matter as "a favor" or as "a burden", one must reconsider the whole process of knowledge production by treating it as a hybrid network assembled by heterogeneous activities. In this way, we are able to know more about the relationships among different "actors" and what they actually do, hence making the knowledge production of this digital era even more solid.


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