  • 期刊


Turning from the "Object" into the "Subject": A Case Study of the Baiku Yao Community Media Team




So-called "new Chinese documentaries" have received a lot of attention in the media and film study recently, but there is another important but ignored film movement in the southwest frontier of China. It is named community media, and its education comes from the concept of participatory video. Through some form of educational process, the documentaries' facilitators hand over the power of the camera to voiceless people and empower them to speak in their own voices and to see the world from their own eyes. Therefore, via field investigations, participant observations, and in-depth interviews, this paper explores how community media and its education in southwest frontier China, especially taking the Baiku Yao community media team in Guangxi for example, not only generates subjectivity, but also produces reflexivity on documentary or ethnographic film. This paper concludes that community media and its education particularly emphasizes the cultural production based on community or ethnic group involved with the relationship of shooting, the aesthetics of text, and the politics of screening. First, community media and its education changes the relationship between shooting and expands possibilities such as collaborative, inherited, or practical. Second, although community media and its education focuses on environmental protection and traditional culture as the main topics, observations of social change and visual power also appear. Moreover, under the aesthetics of text, they develop an archiving way and vertical method to represent reality. Third, the previous negative viewpoint of Baiku Yao people on camera has changed, as they have now learned to recognize the value of documentary or ethnographic film, especially related to the collective memory of community or ethnic group.


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