  • 期刊

The Application of OVA/poly-L-lysine Nano-complex to Enhance the Transfection of Plasmid DNA


In this study, we develop an novel OVA/poly(L-lysine) complex as a non-viral vector to the delivery of plasmid DNA into cells, also setup a platform to enhance the pDNA production and transfection. Considering the capacity of extracting column, a maximum 2000μg pDNA was extracted in an optimization condition of this study that 1 mL of E. Coli (OD(subscript 600nm)=1.2) was seeded in 1300 mL LB broth and cultured 16 hr at 37℃. In this condition, there are 968±144 pDNA to be extract from a E. Coli. Finally, pEGFP was used as a model pDNA to evaluate the transfect enhancement of delivery system in a Caco-2 cell model. The novel semi-solid OVA/PLL nanocomplex has 100 times transfection efficiency than naked DNA. But, stable solidified cross-linked OVA/PLL complex only has 2 times transfection efficiency than naked DNA (2% transfection efficiency of semi-solid OVA/PLL complex). In comparing OVA/PLL complex with cross-linked OVA/PLL complex, size of the complex is increased from 500 nm to 3 μm and zeta potential is decreased from -12 mV to -33 mV in the cross-link process. Maybe they are the reasons which reduce the transfection efficiency in cross-link process.


Nano-complex Transfection Cross-link process
