  • 期刊


The System and Operations of Taitung Zhilizhou in Eastern Taiwan During the Late Qing Dynasty




臺東直隸州 東臺灣 胡傳 鄉制 政權交替


Taitung Zhilizhou (Taitung Prefecture, 臺東直隸州), established in 1888, was the last local government in Eastern Taiwan before the transition of government from the Qing to the Japanese Empire. Using existing literatures and official historical documents, this study investigates the distinctiveness of the Taitung Zhilizhou in terms of its territorial jurisdiction, administrative style and township organizations, thus shedding light on Eastern Taiwan toward the end of the Qing rule on the island. We found that the territorial jurisdiction of the Taitung Zhilizhou was limited to flat areas up to the Beipu village in Sinchen(新城鄉北埔村). Though the Zhizhou (知州) was the highest-ranking governor of this region, he was not able to exercise his administrative power without the protection of the local garrison. There were formal and informal agencies which helped Zhizhou run the Taitung Zhilizhou government. Five townships (五鄉) were the organizations built for tax purposes, and such names lasted until the beginning of the Japanese rule. The Fuken Bureau (撫墾局) was set up to formally control the aborigines in Eastern Taiwan. During the Hu Chuan (胡傳) period, the local garrison mainly stationed along the Santiaolun (三條崙) on the Nanlu (南路) and other strategic locations to secure the Han people's (漢人) safety in the region. An essential method to rule the aborigines was to provide allowances to the local chieftain, vice chieftain, and Tongshi (通事) so that they could in turn govern their tribes. Among these rulers, Tongshi and military officers were the most important in controlling the aboriginal tribes at that time. Eastern Taiwan was a land full of miasma and plague. As soldiers got sick easily or even died due to those illnesses, the local garrison often resorted to smoking opium in order to fight against the environment. The Zhizhou and military officers were not able to stop the use of opium effectively, and as a result they were protected by paralyzed, useless troops. Opium addiction, along with a lack of good weapons, prevented the Qing Dynasty from using its military to efficiently govern Eastern Taiwan. The Tongshi was able to enter the aboriginal areas and communicate with the tribes. He therefore could implement governmental administration, but his actions were not fully constrained by the Zhizhou. The Zhizhou gradually lost control over the aboriginal areas and could only hope that no major conflict would occur between the government and the local tribes.


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