  • 期刊

Giant Oral Pyogenic Granuloma - A Case Report





Pyogenic granulomas are cmmon benign tumors which generally occur in the head and neck region. The most common site of occureence is the gingival of the oral cavity. Trauma and hormone imbalance have been proposed as etiologies. Oral pyogenic granulomas are usually small because the patients themselves can easily detec these lesions. We report the case of a 54-year-old mentally retarded woman who presented with a large oral tumor on her hard palate. This 5*4cm cauliflower-like pink tumor was firm with a pedicle originating from the dental socket of her left upper molar. It was excised and the gingival defect was covered with a local rotational palatal flap. The histopathology revealed a pyogenic granuloma with extensive fibrosis, indicating a long-term process. She has received follow-up examination for 3 years with no recurrence of the tumor. Large oral pyogenic granulomas are unusual and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a malignant oral tumor. Complete surgical removal of the tumor and subsequent convering of the area with a local palatal flap can prevent recurrene. (Tzu Chi Med J1998;10:145-149)


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