  • 期刊


Treatment of Laryngeal Cancer at Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital


目的:喉癌在花東地區是次於口腔癌、鼻咽癌、下咽癌之後,佔頭頸部癌症排行第四,與全台灣頭頸部癌症排行依次為口腔癌、鼻咽癌、下咽癌、口咽癌,有差異。喉癌的治療因涉及發聲功能及種種生活習慣上的改變,使得病人在接受治療時較有疑慮。本報告藉由病例回溯性分析,回顧本院的治療成果。病人與方法:自民國79年8月至民國88年8月間,於本科診斷、治療,並設籍於花東地區的喉癌病患,病理報告則限於鱗狀上皮細胞癌者,始列入統計,合計有51人;本院治療原則為早期癌(stage I/II),以放射線治療或部喉切除為主,少數採用合併化學及放射線治療;晚期癌(stage III/IV),以全喉切除為主,術後再追加放射線治療或合併化學治療,但若病人不願意接受全喉切除術,則參酌病人的意願給予合併化學及放射線治療。追蹤日期至民國90年3月止,就各變項進行分析。結果:男性43人,女性8人。年齡分佈自33.0歲至90.0歲,平均年齡65.6歲。聲門上癌有7例,聲門癌有42例,聲門下癌有2例。根據1997年AJCC癌症分期為第一、二期的早期癌有26例,第三、四期的晚期癌有25例,依Kaplan-Meier分析法估計各組五年存活率,早期癌可達92.3%,全部則達73.1%。有16例因病人本身因素放棄治療或是延遲一個月以上才治療者,佔所病人的31.4%,平均延誤治療心間長達3.6個月,結論:花東地區因地形特景,交通不便,且兼病患的社經地位偏低,連帶影響就醫意願,造成往往已發展至晚期癌才就診,甚至還有將近三分之一的病患延遲或不治療。而喉癌中的早期癌五年存活率相當高,且診斷上亦不困難。故對於花東大眾疾病的教育方面,應多所著墨,以期達到早期診斷、早期治療的目標。


Objective: The treatment of laryngeal cancer involves changes in patients’ phono-function and living habits. Therefore, patients seem apprehensive about treatment. This report retrospectively analyzes our case at Tzi Chi General Hospital. Patients and Methods: from August 1990 to August 1999, 51 patents living in the Hua-Tung area were diagnosed with a pathological report of squamous cells carcinoma of the larynx and treated in our hospital. Stage I/II cancer patients received either radiation or partial laryngectomy and stage III/IV patients received a total laryngectomy with or without adjuvant therapy. Those cases were followed until March 2001 and analyzed by variety categories, including sex, age, stage, survival rate and so on. Results: There were 43 men and 89 women with ages ranging from 33 to 90 years. Twenty-six patients had stage I/II and 25 had stage III/IV disease. The estimations of each group’s five-year survival rate were 92.3%and 52.3% respectively. The five-year survival rate of all the patients was 73.1%. Due to personal reasons, 31.4% (16 cases) of patients discontinued or delayed treatment for over one month. The average length of delay was 3.6 months. Conclusion: The lower social-economic statusof the patients and the difficulty in accessing medical care in the Hua-Tung are caused delay in treatment. However the treatment results of laryngeal cancer were excellent. We should educate the general public in the Hua-Tung area to achieve early diagnosis and treatment.
