

目的:探討國內舉辦搖滾演唱會中病患的特質及緊急醫療救護的規劃。材料與方法:於2000年夏季,在台北市立體育場針對兩場搖滾演唱晚會,第一晚約有30,000位歌迷,第二晚約有40,000位歌迷的露天演唱會,由預先受過訓練可做高級心臟救命術的急診醫師與護理人員參與醫療服務,以預先設計的病患處置表格,記錄病患資料及處置情形,以瞭解演唱會時病患的病況及評估緊急醫療救護需求,並保障歌迷及工作人員的安全。結果:在兩個晚上的演唱會中,第一天有40位病患,第二天有15位病患,兩天共有病患55人,年齡由13歲到37歲,平均為18.2±5歲,男性有8位,女性有47(85.5%)位。病患以現場歌迷為主,有50 (91%)位,工作人員有5位,病患佔現場兩天約有70,000位群眾之0.079%。病況主要以昏倒佔最多有34人(62%),擦傷/裂傷/鈍傷次之有7人(13%),腹痛有6人(11%),頭痛有5人(9%),其他3人(5%)。昏倒的34位病患中31(91%)位為女性,3位為男性,其中有8(24%)位女性有意識喪失為昏厥病患,其他病患則主要因眼前發黑、四肢無力、步態不穩或無法站立而不支,但意識仍清醒。昏倒的34位病患,年齡由13歲到33歲,平均為16.9±4歲。55位病患中有17(31%)位是被工作人員抬進來的,34(62%)位是自己或親友陪同進醫療站,一位由醫療人員到現場處理,另有三位未記錄。13(24%)位病患認為只需要可做基本救命術的成員(BLS)處理即可,42 (76%)位病患則需要可做高級救命術(ALS)的醫療團隊照護才安全。尖峰時段醫療人力需求約為每萬群眾需1.3位醫師及1.4位護理人力。所有的病患經現場治療後即改善離去,沒有一位病患用救護車轉送。結論:根據國外的報告,大型熱門演唱會是著名高醫療使用率及容易發生失序的活動。從我們初步的資料看來,此次的大型熱門演唱會,最常見的病患問題是昏倒。超過一半的病患是屬於需要可做高級救命術(ALS)的醫療團隊照護才安全,由國外的經驗,由輕微的小擦傷到嚴重的心臟停止都需列入醫療準備中。由於病患可能在短時間內大量出現,為確保歌迷及工作人員的安全,國內舉辦這樣大型的熱門演唱會,宜有可做高級救命術(ALS)的醫療團隊進駐,並以可能發生大量傷患或災難的情況,來規劃完善的現場緊急醫療救護系統。(慈濟醫學 2003; 15:113-120)


昏倒 演唱會 大型活動 台北市


Objective: To describe the demographics of emergency medical care at a summer rock concert in Taipei. Materials and Methods: The medical care for a summer Taipei rock concert festival, which was held in an outdoor stadium in Taipei, was coordinated by emergency physicians of a medical center. About 70,000 attendees participated in the concert over two nights, which lasted from 7 to 10 p.m. each night. Four medical care stations were set up. Each station was staffed by one to three emergency physicians, two to six emergency nurses, and three to eight other staff (including non-emergency doctors, medical students, non-emergency nurses, and emergency medical technicians). Each was equipped with facilities for advanced life support. A standardized form was used to collect information, which included demographic data, the patient's identification, the time of arrival, the reason for the patient visit, positive physical findings, tentative diagnoses, the treatment and the disposition. Each chart was recorded by the medical staff and checked by either a physician or a nurse. Results: A total of fifty-five cases visited the medical stations with 40 cases on the first day and 15 on the second day. The ages ranged from 13 to 37 years, with an average of 18.2?. Forty-seven cases were female and eight were male. Fifty cases (91%) were spectators and five were on-duty staff. From the estimated total of 70,000 people in the stadium over the two-night festival, the medical use rate was roughly 7.9 PPTT (patients per ten thousand attendees). The most common major problem was fainting and this accounted for 34 cases (62%). The next most important type of problem was seven cases of abrasion and/or laceration and/or contusion (13%), followed by six cases of abdominal pain (11%), five cases of headache (9%) and three cases who had other problems (5%). Of the 34 fainting cases, eight cases (24%) experienced consciousness loss and 31 cases were female (91%). Forty-two cases (76%) were classified as requiring advanced life support and 13 cases as requiring basic life support. During the peak hour for medical care, the number of medical personnel required was 1.3 doctors and 1.4 nurses per ten thousand attendees. All cases improved and were discharged after onsite treatment. No case was transferred to the hospital. Conclusion: Rock music concerts are notorious for large unruly crowds and have a reputation for having a high incidence of medical problems. It is estimated that millions of fans participate in rock concerts annually in Taiwan. From this preliminary data, we found that the most common problem was fainting and more than half of these cases required advanced life support care. It is thus absolutely necessary that a well-designed EMS system is present at such concerts to provide such a service. (Tzu Chi Med J 2003; 15:113-120)


fainting rock concerts mass gatherings Taipei


