  • 期刊


Emergency Medical Services for Long-Distance Foot/Races


目的:探討長距離賽跑類大型活動之傷病發生率及緊急醫療救護規劃。材料與方法:自91年1月至91年12月31日止,我們規劃並參與7項路跑及馬拉松賽等大型活動。包括台北國道馬拉松賽、陽明山春季路跑賽、愛迪達盃路跑賽、外雙溪國華人壽盃路跑賽、及舒跑盃挑戰金氏世界記錄路跑賽、陽明山國家公園路跑賽、花蓮太魯閣國際馬拉松賽等大型活動。每次活動前均做詳細的緊急醫療救護規劃,其內容包括:指揮中心的選定及人員編組、固定式醫療站及機動式急救小組的設計、裝備及藥材的準備、人力需求的評估、醫療記錄單的設計、後送醫院的選定及預做直昇機救護的規劃。當活動進行時或其前後,有發生傷病的情形時,醫療人員立刻給予緊急救護,並記錄必要資訊於預先設計好的病患醫療記錄單上。結果:估計服務參與人數為61,000人,服務病患總數為3,728人次,醫療使用率為6.1% (0.39%至14.59%),活動中參與選手共40,108人,選手病患數共3,717人,佔所有病患之99.7%,選手醫療使用率9.3%,此次研究當中使用救護車運送者共5人,其中有3人轉送至醫療總站處理穩定後返回,轉送至醫院治療者則共有2人(0.05%)。結論:長距離賽跑類大型活動之醫療使用率平均為6.1%,必須以救護車轉送至醫院的案例非常少。我們的經驗顯示長距離賽跑類大型活 動時之緊急醫療救護規劃是必需的。本文建議一些規劃原則供各位參考。


Objective: To investigate the incidence of ill or injured persons utilizing emergency medical services (EMS) during long distance foot/races, as well as the planning of EMS in such types of mass gatherings. Materials nd Methods: We conducted a prospective study from January through December . We planned the EMS for and participated in 7 mass gatherings, which included marathons and foot/races. During planning we focused our attention on deploying first aid stations, and mobile rescue teams; developing an incident comment system in cluding a commander, liaison, and triage personnel; as well as evaluating the needs for manpowers, equipments and medication; designing medical records and transportation tools; and selecting the receiving hospital including helicopter rescue. Results: Participants totaled about 61,000 people, and 3,728 patients utilized our services. The medical use rate was 6.1% (range, 0.39%-14.59%). Three patients (0.05%) were transported to a hospital for further treatment. Conclusions: Medical use rates during long-distance foot/races were about 6.1% on average. Only very rarely have to be transported to the hospital during such types of mass gatherings. Our experiences suggest that the planning of EMS during long-distance foot/races is warranted.


