  • 期刊


Clinical Applications of Botulinum A Toxin for Lower Urinary Tract Diseases




Botulinum A toxin has been widely applied to the treatment of muscular hypertonicity for many different functional systems of the human body. Due to the toxin’s pharmacological effect of inhibiting acetylcholine release from presynaptic neuromuscular junctions, botulinum A toxin has been used for the treatment of spastic urethral sphincter as well as detrusor overactivity associated with both neurogenic and non-neurogenic etiologies. It has also been demonstrated that botulinum A toxin is effective at reducing prostatic gland volume as part of the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with associated chronic urinary retention especially for a subset of such patients who are at surgical risk. The promising therapeutic effects of the toxin as regards idiopathic detrusor overactivity, bladder hypersensitivity, and interstitial cystitis have already gained great attention internationally. The known adverse effects related to botulinum A toxin injection have achieved little attention. World-wide clinical studies of the use of botulinum A toxin have been undertaken and the optimal therapeutic regimen for treating individual lower urinary-tract disease will likely be developed in the near future.
