  • 期刊


Deterioration Rules for Strength and Stiffness Behavior of RC Column after Multiple Earthquakes



RC構件遭受多次地震後,耐震性能會逐次折損,通常以剛度或強度衰減現象反映於震後結構行為上。根據RC構件遭受往復載重時之固有恢復力環特性與試驗觀察而得之現象,本文嘗試提出一套以能量消耗概念與經驗公式所建立之規則,配合適用於低層RC建築結構耐震評估之靜態推垮曲線法(Stratic Pushover Method),可依破壞模式之不同,對RC柱構件之側力—變形曲線每次進行震後折損修正。本文並將此修正規則應用於分析一組採用多次激振重複加載方式的1/3縮尺二層樓RC校舍結構模型振動台試體,結果顯示本文之震後折損修正後預測曲線與實際各次試驗點比對情況大致良好。


The seismic performance of reinforced concrete (RC) structures deteriorates with the occurrence of successive earthquakes. This reduced structural performance is usually evident in degradation of stiffness or strength. Based on the typical hysteretic characteristics of an RC structure subjected to reverse cyclic loading and phenomena observed from experimental tests, this paper presents deterioration rules established through the concept of energy dissipation and experiential factors. The virgin force-deflection curves of the RC columns were derived from the static pushover method, a seismic assessment technique for low-rise RC building structures. Deterioration rules are used to modify the force-deflection curve of the RC column with different failure modes after the event of each earthquake. In this paper, the deterioration rules were applied to the analysis of three 1/3-scaled 2-story RC school building structures, which were tested using the shaking table with repeated increasing PGA earthquake loading. The comparison of test results and predicted results are shown to be reasonable.


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